Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Remember When?

I was reading Martha's post about how she has nutty opinions and how she is a raving lunatic (j/k). But for some reason it made me reminisce about growing up and the 'remember whens?' For example, I was thinking how on Sunday's when Mom was scrambling to get all 8 of us dressed and out the door that if we weren't up to par she would say "It looks like you came out of the Salvation Army, go and iron your shirt!" Does anyone else remember that?

Remember when Nathan cut up our swimsuits to make costumes - oh, and Dad's winter coat?
Remember when the twins cut off Hardee's (our black devil cat) ears?
Remember when Bobby got out naked and went up to the quick stop?
Remember when Spencer's teeth got knocked out in Michigan?
Remember when Andy did 360's in the Beauville?
Remember when we had the intervention for Cathy?
Remember when Martha got her tattoo burned off?
Remember when Dad's eyes would pop out of his head when one of us had done something wrong?

Good times, good times
So many good remember whens.... Please comment and leave your own remember whens- they make me smile and laugh.
There are a lot more that occurred to me, but I didn't want to bring up any embarrassing moments for some family members.....Dad, Cathy, Nate, Martha, Andy, Me.....


cathy said...

I have a good remember when-Sarah's 15th or 16th birthday-Andy said something that set you off-any one remember that? Hey you brought up my intervention!!

Andy Wright said...

I have so many good "remember whens." In fact, I think that I'll do a post on my blog about some of the most precious memories.
But, does anyone remember when Martha would babysit and spend the bulk of the time physically torturing us and then as soon as mom and dad returned she would turn on the tears and say how horrible we were?
There was nothing we could do about it because mom and dad bought her story hook, line and sinker. I still have scars in my wrist from Martha's fingernails.

Good times!!

Fordney said...

I was going to do a 'remember when' about Martha's finger nails- but I was thought that would tick her off...Hey, in retrospect it probably sucked having to be the designated babysitter...

martha corinna said...

I never had finger nails, and I really do have a long scar on my right hand to prove your abusiveness Andy.
Remember when Andy would tease everyone mercilessly and when he hog tied Bobby and put him in the tub?
Nice Andy...the list goes on and on.
Great idea for a blog post Sarah, not really.
By the way Hardee was not a devil and he was not black, he was grey and white. He also didn't tease or throw knives or brooms, and he didn't break any of my stuff:)

em kawasaki said...

Hi, I am Martha's friend and I am sorry to intrude upon your blog but I always love your comments on hers. Sounds like you guys had a great and wild childhood, much like my own.

Good to know about Martha and her tattoo.

martha corinna said...

How come there are no remember whens about Peter and Tim?

Remember when Bobby fell out the window in the dining room in Minnesota?

Remember when Dad butchered the turkeys in the back yard?

Remember when the man was stabbed in our alley way? I think his name was Rocky.

Remember throwing wood in to the wood room to put in the furnace?

Remember all the windows Andy broke?

Remember Nate's vasaline hair?

Remember the twins almost falling out the attic window?

Remember Cathy's cheetos and chocolate milk?

Remember the stalker that would call me in Crosby and not say anything but play Motley Crew's Girls Girls Girls?

Remember when Dad sliced his thumb with the paper cutter at school?

Remember when the twins broke the hymnal off of the pew and brought it up to Dad on the stand?

Remember when Mom used to have that long braid, wait, um, she still does have that long braid.

Remember delivering telephone books with the branch?

Remember the tornado that knocked down our tree in our front yard:(

OK, I have to do something else now.

Fordney said...

Martha- that's the best part of being the first born- you know ALL. I had forgotten some of those juicy tidbits... Did you ever have any idea how your stalker was?

Carlee Hoopes said...

I feel bad for your cat. I never thought about cats having ears. Let me go look at some. Ok, I just Googled them and I remember what they look like now. I then Googled cat with no ears and it was freaky( Now I really feel bad for your cat.

Why did you have to have an intervention with Cathy? Was she on crack or something? Maybe that's why her little girl is the way she is...I hear it's a hereditary habit.

Carlee Hoopes said...

I'm never gonna post a URL on your blog again. They never post all the way. In any event, it was a frightening picture.

Nathan said...

Remember when Mom would go to the Bahamas at Christmas and Bobby would always have to get stitches?

Remember when Dad was cleaning out the chimney on the roof back at the house on 2nd Street and Tim (or maybe) Peter climbed all the way up and surprised Dad, whose back was turned, by saying "Hi Daddy?"

Remember when we lived in the chipboard and cardboard house when we first lived in Orem and you couldn't stand up in all the upstairs bedrooms on the west side?

Remember in that chipboard house, when Andy teased me so badly and locked himself in the bathroom, I just had to put a whole in the chipboard bathroom door with a broom?

Remember how everyone promised not to say anything, but the minute Dad came home, Cathy told?

Oh, and remember my giant wall mural of Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest on my bedroom wall back in Crosby? Remember how I conveniently began it and then asked for permission?

That's all for now...

Sure do love you all!

Nathan said...

Oh and Dad just reminded me of another fun one...
(I'm here at his Hotel in know, the city of Brotherly Love? It also includes love for sisters and love between sisters and brothers)

Remember my two cockatiels, Tiki and Yohle?

Remember how Yohle got killed by an unknown animal in the night and Tiki just flew away and never came back?

Remember how embarrassing Belle was? How she would get out, stand in the middle of the street and bark and never come home, and how much our neighbor across Howie loved her? (not really)

Remember when Peter and Timmy were really into Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and would pretend like they were ninjas and how we have it on tape?

Remember the video that someone took around Christmas time and Bobby and Cathy are dancing to "Santa Clause is coming to town?"

Fordney said...

The video is of Timmy dancing to Alivin and The Chipmunks...and I think that Andy is at the top of the stairs watching- most likely b/c he was in trouble and was told to stay up there.

cathy said...

I have another correction Nate-It was one of the twins that told on you with the hole in the bathroom door- since I wasn't even home that day (at the Clarines)I remember coming home and hearing the whole story. And as for Belle, I remember when she tripped me walking home from school, which caused my face to bleed, our sweet old dog was licking my wounds as I was crying on the ground when a man drove by and called the police (he thought the dog was attacking me)-ask mom about it- I believe she was extremely embarrassed when the police officer brought me home, and mad at Belle. It probable wasn't long after that Bobby was also brought home by the same officer for streaking at the gas station.

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

I am so honored to remember most of these remember whens!!! I was not present for a lot of them but I have heard of them through the years and they make me laugh every time. I have some "Do you remembers" that only Sarah might know about, I probably have a few but I will share two.
the first is "Do you remember when" the neighborhood boys were playing ball infront of my house and Peter came running into my bathroom while I was on the toilet and yelled "get out, I need to go". The next one was when Sarah, Shaylene, and I went to Zions park with your dad. We were in the jeep after one of the hikes listening to Neil Diamond's What a Beautiful Noise. The song started and after the first few times Neil sang "what a beautiful noise" your dad would fart.
I don't know if you remember those times but I do so if these experiences end up not being "Do you remember" statements and turn into "Did you know?" statements I apologize.
P.S. Do you remember when Sarah and Millie were superheros called black thunder and white lightening? Yep, that's on video too.
P.S.S Don't feel bad about the intervention Cathy, We had one with Sarah too. :) Freak, teenage girls are so dramatic sometimes. We sure do know how to over-react.