Thursday, July 10, 2008

Old Roomatest that AREN'T Douchebags

This is another guest appearance by Blake on Sarah's blog...

Well, I just wanted to discuss a topic, "old roomates that aren't douchebags". This topic has been waying heavily on my mind over the last bit. I often think back to my Days at USU, ahh the glorious days, times were different then, I was about 50 lbs less, I had a full head of fabulous hair, and i was "cool", I may even of been smarter? Ha, how times have changed. Now i'm a jaded old man, who sits in his front yard and throws sticks at the "meddling kids" as they pass by. What does this all have to do with this blog? Well, one of the reason's USU was such a good time was having some great friends that weren't Douchebags. And thanks to the magic of the internet, I wanted to share some comments and pics with the best of them, Lane McKellar, Cheese salesman extrodinaire.

Good old Lane, we had some good times in the year we were roomates. I'd like to list a few... Tubing down "the beav", Snowboarding at "the beav", making fun of our roomates who where douchebags, going to Moab and riding slickrock, making more fun of our roomates, going to church just to check out the "not so ugly babes", going "White Trash Bowling" in Tremonton, hanging out on campus checking out the babes, learning to Kayak at First damn, fat guys squeezing in to kayak skirts, squeezing into a burrito stand shirt from an internship in CO, Camping up Logan Canyon, Killing hobos behind the A&W, Rugby games, riding in the truck, riding in the Willys, making fun of the ambiguously gay frat's, going to Charlies, taking lane to his first SKA / Punk concert in SLC, looking at "gear" that we absolutely could not afford, buying Lane a suit for some lame dance, watching Lane go on dates with girls he never liked (that one's for you Elise), Snowboard instructors in CO, and the list goes on....

If this is weird, I apologize, but, i have to say this. I value friendship. not just the "casual aquantance" that you wave to at Wal-Mart on Sunday, because you just got busted on the Sabbath buying economy strength deodorant, a gallon of gatorade and condoms-small (note the addition of 50 lbs comment above). But the kind of friend that will actually get and perhaps even laugh at the previous sentence. The kind of friend that it doesn't matter if you don't see or talk to them for several years, and then when you reconnect you pick up right where you left off. The kind of friendship that is not easy to build, it takes good times and bad times to develop. Outside of the close knit group of friends most of us develop in our youth, it is rare to achieve this level of friendship. Which is why, when as an adult, you make some friends like this, you are very grateful.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Blessings, Father and Sons, and Wyoming

Some events that have taken place in our lives recently:

We blessed Molly on June 8th. Owen made it almost through the opening prayer of sacrament meeting before we shipped him back to our house with Bobby (thank you Bobby :) and happy b-day tomorrow.) It was a wonderful and beautiful day.

Owen and Blake went on the ward Father and Son's camp out. Blake said that they had lots of fun. You will want to take note of the breakfast of champions that O is enjoying on the tail gate of the truck. I rear a healthy child.

Owen and Blake made a trek to Wyoming to give Momma a much needed break from the sweet tempered, always calm, never out of control O-town. Here is a cute pic of Grandpa and O on the tractor.