Monday, January 14, 2008

Oldies, but Goodies...

As I sit here listening to O-town yelling and not taking a nap, I thought that I would look through some of the pictures on our computer (we have about 2 billion). I found a few that made me smile...Enjoy.

Why did the twins get the best hair in the family?

What more can I say?

Poor Nina

What is going on with Timmy's hat?

This picture is just funny.

Blake- we were young once and you used to wear your wedding ring!!!

I didn't want to leave Martha out of the fun....

Nate and Andy needed a shout-out


Shayleen Lunt said...

Love 'em! Do you have all the old ones scanned in? Paper photos fill the floor space under my bed...just waiting to make it high enough on my priority list and be scanned in. Someday!

martha corinna said...

Awesome Sarah, I can always count on you to do me right:)