Wednesday, August 27, 2008

37 things

1. Do you like blue cheese? Love it. I love blue cheese salad dressing. It is my favorite.
2. Have you ever smoked? Depends on what your smoking…just kidding. No- I have never partaken. 3. Do you own a gun? Nope- I am not a gun fan. Blake really wants to get one though. I will have to find some way to distract him….
4. What flavor Kool-Aid was your favorite? Grape. In Junior high we used to temporarily dye our hair using Kool-Aid (the ones without sugar- duh!) It didn’t work well with my dark hair, but all my friends with light hair it work really well.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Always. I have a doomsday outlook on a lot of things. I am always positive that they will find something horrifically wrong with me.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? They are great.
7. Favorite Christmas movie? This is a hard one. It’s a Wonderful Life (although Blake insists that this IS NOT a Christmas movie- he is part Nazi) or A Christmas Carole with George C. Scott
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Tea (herbal, OF COURSE!)
9. Can you do pushups? Yes. They used to be a part of my regular routine in college before I went to bed. I was positive that one day I would need that upper body strength. I can’t do them currently because I am afraid of pushing a clot (a more detailed blog will follow)
10. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? I guess I have to say my wedding ring or else I will look like a jerk… But I LOVE earrings- I feel as if they make my large face (it's a little fat) look slimmer.
11. Favorite hobby? Reading, I have a reading addiction.
12. Do you have ADD? No- but I am positive that Owen does.
13. Do you wear glasses/contacts? No.
14. Middle name? Fordney- It is soooo kick-A. It’s a family name and I really, really wanted our first daughter to have it as a middle name, but Blake hates it. So sad…
15. Name three thoughts at this exact moment. Why does my chest hurt so much, is it infected? ( I just weaned Molly)- I need to clean up the house- I need to go turn on the baby monitor.
16. Name three drinks you regularly drink. Water, Tea, Milk
17. Current worry? Besides my Boobs (pardon my trashiness- but they HURT)- the kids, always the kids.
18. Current hate right now? Flies- There is one in my house and it is driving me bonkers.
19. Favorite place to be? Home or in Michigan.
20. How did you bring in the New Year? I can’t even remember- Ha! I am so much fun.
21. Where would you like to go? Michigan.
22. Name three people who will complete this. Carlee, Cathy, and Timmy :)
23. Do you own slippers? Yes, pink fuzzy ones.
24. What shirt are you wearing? T-shirt
25. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? With who? J/K ! Not really.
26. Can you whistle? Yes! I can do the super loud whistle.
27. Favorite color? Purple
28. Would you be a pirate? Sure. Especially if I looked hot dressed up as a pirate.
29. What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever. Everything and anything.
30. Favorite girl’s name? Besides Molly, I like Grace.
31. Favorite boy’s name? Besides Owen, Andy and Bobby.
32. What’s in your pocket right now? Nothing- no pockets.
33. Last thing that made you laugh? The Office (reruns) When Jim comes to work dressed as Dwight- so funny.
34. What vehicle do you drive? A freaking awesome 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix- don’t be jealous!35. Worst injury you’ve ever had? When I was going to Weber I had to go to the business fair for one of my classes. I was dressed in these black pinstriped pants with a cuff on the bottom and a white dress shirt with a super cute pink sweater vest with black piping. Now why am I describing my outfit- because of the pink vest- I HAD to wear my pink stilettos with a cute little bow over the toes. Anyhow…. We were leaving the business fair- going down those HUGE marble stairs and OH NO- my pink stiletto got caught in the cuff of my black pinstriped pants. It was awful and embarrassing. You could hear this collecting GASP (there were a TON of people there.) Any way, my arms were full with my purse, books, and pamphlets from the fair. I fell- no I crashed- down a whole flight of HARD, COLD stairs. Everything went flying. Cell phone, calculator, all my precious lip glosses. I was sooooo banged up. I had bruises everywhere. When I got home I had a bloody nose. It hurt to walk for the next week. To this day- I can’t wear those pants with any sort of heal for fear of them getting caught and taking a spill.
36. Do you love where you live? Love it. Love my house, love my yard, love my neighbors.
37. How many televisions do you have in your house? Technically 2- but one is in the basement and we don’t really use it. Blake doesn’t allow TV’s in the bedroom.


Koch Clan said...

Yes, we have a fly too and I can't kill it. It is driving me crazy! I have the same problem after weaning. It sucks. I hurt for over a week. We both have falling incidents. Although mine was in my home. That would stink to fall outside and down all those stairs. And I was dying watching the office last night. I love that one when Jim dresses like Dwight. I love the calculator watch too. And we must go see the Arrested Development movie together when it comes out. I bet carlee would go too. I know they like that show. We can be the heathens of the ward.

Lovely Lizzy said...

That was funny. I totally biffed it down those stairs if they are the ones outside the ballroom. My problem was my over worn Converse shoes. That's the worst place to fall too because there are people everywhere.
I'm sad about possible mastitis. I have a pump if you'd like to borrow it. That may seem gross, but I have to seperate attachments and haven't used one. Oh and Sarah Porter in our ward is a genius. I called her when I first had Aaliyah because she's taken nursing classes on that sort of stuff. Good Luck though. I put nursing down as one of my current hates, but I still have 5 months to go. ICK.
Good Luck though.

Cami said...

I'm worried about your boobs as well. I think you should get on antibiotics ASAP! Take it from me, DON"T WAIT!!!

I laughed hearing your story about falling. (is that rude?) The outfit sounded really cute, so at least you looked good as you were falling:)

Souli & Ashley said...

Cute post its I kind of sometimes wish we didn't have a TV in our bedroom. Souli watches it too much. Its good to know more about you.

Koch Clan said...

Hey, I made my blog private. Email me at and I will add you to the list.

Shayleen Lunt said...

Wow! That was so fun to read. Brings back some memories. I didn't know about your big crash down the stairs. Ouch! You are awesome Sarah. You also need a mini van ;)

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

I enjoyed the read. It was awesome. I'm proud to say that I knew most of those things about you. I didn't know that you liked the name grace though, i always that you liked the name Jennie better. :)

Anonymous said...

I still can't belive Blake wont allow a T.V. in your room! I would go crazy! There are soooo many nights I can't sleep so that's what I do! Good Luck with your soreness! I know how you feel... I'm sure lots of people do! Hang in there!

cathy said...

Hilarious Sarah-I still laugh when I think about you falling down those stairs-I remember the place you were the sorest in..... I wont tell though, but wasn't it the same place you hurt snowboarding that one time?

Carlee Hoopes said...

That's the most awesome story ever! In fact, I'm gonna ask for a rewind in heaven on the life video for that one. I'm totally in on the Arrested Development movie. Let me know when it is!

Nathan said...

Oh my goodness--I haven't thought about the falling down the stairs in pink stilhettos(sp) in a long time. Its always nice for a good laugh. Damn...
Ummm, Andy and Bobby and not Nathan? Excuse me...?
Oh well...
I guess I'll give up my dream of naming my first born Sarah Fordney
(just so you know, I was planning on Sarah Fordney no matter what-girl OR BOY!)
Love you!