Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ready to be done

The end is near and I am ready to be done being pregnant. I never felt like this with Owen. With Owen I could have been pregnant for another month or two without any problem. I think having another child to deal with makes it more difficult and I just don't feel as good as before. Also, because the weather is changing I am getting spring fever. We have been playing outside a lot and I have been trying to do some pre-spring yard cleanup and let me tell you- it is hard when you have a 40 pound ball strapped around your middle.
There are soooo many things things that I am looking forward to after I have the baby (besides the actual blessing of her)
Here is my list:
Being able to sleep flat on my back or on my stomach!!!
No more heartburn. I have terrible heartburn, it feels like pure acid being pounded down my throat- Oh I hate it!!!
Different clothes. I know that sounds vain and silly- but just being able (eventually) to wear a variety of clothing will be sooooo nice.
No more swelling - I may actually be able to wear my wedding ring again.
Being able to bend over. This is soooo taken for granted by people. Simple things, like putting on shoes and socks, cleaning up after your kids, working out in the yard, wiping up your floors. Being able to paint my own toenails.
Being able to take Motrin. I don't take medicine very often, but in my opinion, Ibuprofen just works better- from swelling to headaches- it just works better for me.
No more stuffy nose!
No more weird bouts of nausea and dizziness.
Lung Capacity!!! Not getting winded going up and down my own stairs.
No more jock strap. (this is for those who know certain things)
No more constant pressure on my bladder. How nice will that be?
Being able to toss and spin Owen around. It is just too hard right now.
I am sure that there are a ton more, but I am drawing a blank... If anyone can think of some more- let me know.


Shayleen Lunt said...

That list seems pretty complete to me. I felt the same way you do about being pregnant with a second compared to the first.
I can't believe you are out doing yard work. What a woman!

Cami said...

I do not envy you AT ALL!! Just think.. a few more weeks, and that immediate relief will be there :)

Jeanna GT said...

what I wanna know is where's the preggers shot????? I'm sure you look adorable as always! So happy for you!!!

Our Sweet Life said...

Oh Sarah, I feel your pain. I have to agree with Shaylene, what a woman to do yard work. It does get better and easier.

Carlee Hoopes said...

I finally have my laptop back! Anyway, you brought back way too many memories with this post. That last month or so is just brutal! It will all be over soon though! And, hopefully the jock strap can be retired then as well. :)

sarahlouise said...

The countdown is on! You can do it! I am sure I will feel your pain soon enough :) Hang in there

martha corinna said...

There is at least one more thing for me, not having a leg that makes you limp and looks like someone took a bat to it. I've thought of taking a picture of my leg and posting it on my blog and having a cation that reads, "look what Brad did". But someone might get the wrong idea:)