Friday, May 30, 2008

The Destroyer

My precious little Owen is a force to be reckoned with on this earth. I don't know how one child can be so stinkin' cute and so completely destructive at the same time. Let me present some examples for you...

This is what my sprouting Hosta plants should look like- and two of the three do.

Here is what happens when Owen unleashes his fury upon them. Here is what happens when Owen escapes between the chain link fence and the vinyl fence.

Here is what happens when Owen climbs the cupboards to get into the cabinets... I caught him sucking on this Elmer's glue- classy.

Here is Owen climbing up into his playhouse to throw things at Mommy. You can tell from his face that he only has the purest intentions.

And finally, here is Owen doing penance (time-out) for his misdeeds. You can see that he takes his punishment very seriously.


Cami said...

What a mischievous little guy! I love his expression on his swingset, that's hilarious! And.. what is it with kids eating glue?!

Jennilyn Proulx said...

He is pretty cute...that is a problem when you need to be mean! If he thinks sitting in a chair is hardly punishment, you should put a few drops of tabasco sauce on his tongue every time he gets into trouble. Then maybe you can enjoy the cute, adorable Owen you once knew! :) Sounds mean but it works 80% of the time, every time!

Carlee Hoopes said...

I'm glad you're documenting this so you can give all the girls Owen wants to date an opportunity to run and hide. :) For such a little guy, it's amazing to me that he can find so much to destroy! At least he's cute, right?

Maybe next year your yard will look good when your Hosta comes of right now, things just don't look right. (Just kidding. Your yard looks incredible. Don't lose too much sleep over your mutilated Hosta, ok?)

Jennie Freakin' Wilder said...

Holy crap, I've never seen Owen look like his dad so much in his life. He is getting to be so big. I really need to come see you guys. I don't know if I want to say this but-- let me know when I can come babysit the destroyer for you. I really would love to babysit sometime though so let me know.

Amanda C said...

Hi Sarah! I had to make my blog private. If you want me to add you, send me your emial address. Hope you are well, and your little boy is too cute!

Souli & Ashley said...

Kids always into something. Its like my flowers Brevin is always messing with them. I'm surprised they arn't dead. He is all boy isn't he but thats the best. Boys will be boys.

Unknown said...

Aren't boys fun??? Don't worry, your yard looks great and the hostas will grow back! What is with kids and glue???